3 Tips for Relieving Herniated Disc Pain Without Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

A herniated disc can be an intensely painful injury. Surgical intervention can be a highly successful way to treat herniated discs, but the recovery process can be lengthy and any surgery comes with its own complications. For that reason, doctors usually only consider surgery for severe cases, and most patients prefer to avoid surgery as well. Take a look at some effective ways to relieve herniated disc pain without surgical intervention.

Dietary Changes

It may sound strange to suggest a change in diet to help your herniated disc heal, but the truth is that a few changes in your diet could really help the recovery process. A herniated disc occurs when the cartilage that protects the outer layer of the disc splits, which exposes the inner part of the disc and allows the softer tissue inside to leak out. Eating a diet that contains nutrients that can promote healthy cartilage can help heal that split and get you on the road to recovery faster.

For healthy cartilage, you need more of vitamins C, D, and E. Citrus foods and leafy green vegetables are good sources of vitamin C. Fish, cheese, and egg yolks can help you get the vitamin D you need. Almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados can help boost your levels of vitamin E. You may also want to talk to your doctor about taking cartilage-friendly supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin. Be sure to include plenty of calcium-rich foods as well, to help support your bone health.

Heat Therapy

One type of pain that you might experience when you have a herniated disc is the pain from muscle spasms. Heat can relax your muscles, which can prevent them from experiencing spasms.

There are several different ways you can use heat to relax your muscles. You may prefer a dry heating pad, or you may respond better to wet heat, like a whirlpool bath. Experiment with different kinds of heat to see which works best for your back muscles.

Spinal Manipulation

Believe it or not, herniated discs don't always cause pain. Whether or not you feel pain depends on where the soft tissue under the cartilage in your disc goes when it leaks out. In many cases, you won't feel it at all, but if enough of it leaks in the right direction, it can put pressure on one or more of the nerves in the area. It's that nerve pressure that causes pain.

A chiropractor can help relieve your pain by manipulating your spine in a way that takes the pressure off of the affected nerves. If you see a chiropractor, make sure that they know that your pain is caused by a herniated disc and also that they know which disc is affected. If your chiropractor doesn't know what kind of injury they're working with, they could manipulate your back in a way that causes more pain. For effective pain relief, it's vital that your chiropractor knows the exact nature and location of the problem.

Make sure to discuss all your pain relief options with a doctor like those at the Pain Relief Center. There are many ways that you can relieve herniated disc pain so that you can heal without surgery.


22 February 2017

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