A Few Options For Osteoporotic Fracture Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

If you have fallen and can't get up, it could be due to an osteoporotic fracture. Osteoporosis is a condition in which your bones lose their density and become brittle. A simple fall or banging up against something may cause them to break. The most common spots for osteoporotic fractures are the hips, spine, and wrists. Your primary care physician or the emergency room doctor may refer you to an orthopedic doctor to help your bone repair. Depending on the place of the break, and its severity, there are a few osteoporotic fracture treatments available.

Fractures in the Spine

With any luck, your fracture treatment will require no more than some rest, specified exercises with physical therapy, and some pain medication for a while. However, if the pain persists, or you still have trouble moving around, you may need something else. Vertebroplasty involves the injection of a special bone cement into the damaged vertebrae. This will minimize pain and keep the bone from crumbling or breaking further. Kyphoplasty also uses bone cement to strengthen the bone. However, before the cement is injected, the doctor will insert a small balloon into the damaged area so that the crumbled bone can be lifted to its proper height. This way, once the cement hardens, the vertebrae is at the correct height to keep your spine in alignment.

Hip Fractures

A hip fracture involves the hip bone where it cradles the head of the femur bone. Sometimes the femur is damaged, too. You may have surgery to implant metal rods or plates in the bones to keep them everything in place and movable. However, if there is too much damage, the orthopedic doctor may have to do a partial or total hip replacement. You will need to undergo physical therapy with both treatments and have to do exercises at home, too.

Wrist Fractures

When the damage is to your wrist or lower arm, the most common treatment is to cast it as a broken bone. However, if the bones involved cannot be expected to repair themselves if all movement is restricted, the doctor may insert metal rods or pins. If the bone has crumbled so there is not enough left to have this done, a bone graft may be necessary.

Osteoporotic fractures may not be avoidable. However, there are special precautions you can take to minimize the chance of you falling. Always have skid-proof rugs in areas that may become wet or slippery, such as the kitchen and bathroom. You should also wear shoes that will not slide on the floors at all time. Move slowly and turn on the light before entering a dark room. Brittle bones that break are harder to repair than strong, healthy bones. Prevention is the best way to avoid broken bones.


30 November 2017

why is an optometrist visit necessary?

When was the last time you went to an optometrist? If you are like most people, you only go when your glasses break or you run out of contact lenses. Very few people actually follow the guidelines of having their eyes checked each year. Not sure why it is necessary to visit your optometrist each year? You can learn all about the different exams and tests that your optometrist runs and why they are done. Knowing what can go wrong with your eyes and what can be done if the ailments are detected early could help to encourage you to get to the optometrist more often.