3 Things To Know About Adult Allergies

Health & Medical Blog

When it comes to allergies, most assume that they develop in childhood or that they are present from birth. While many are allergic to certain foods, pollen, dander, and dust from birth, others develop allergies as they age. Adult-onset allergies may come as a surprise to those who develop them but they are more common than you may realize. The allergies that develop during adulthood can also run the gamut from mild to life-threatening. Here are three things to know about adult allergies.

It's Easy To Ignore The Symptoms

The first thing to know about adult allergies is that it's easy to confuse the symptoms of allergies with other conditions. Some common allergy symptoms include headaches, sneezing, itchy throat, fatigue, and rashes. It's easy to mistake these symptoms for those of a cold, sinus infection, or even skin irritation. However, if over the counter medicines aren't working or if the symptoms persist for a long time, there is a chance that they are due to an allergic reaction. Nasal allergies are the most common, yet are easy to mistake as a cold. About 30 percent of US adults have nasal allergies with many of those developing them during adulthood.

They Can Develop At Anytime

Another thing to know about about adult-onset allergies is that they can develop at any time. The exact reasons allergies develop are still a mystery. However, there are a few things that doctors believe can lead to the onset of allergies in an adult. These things include having a weakened immune system, moving to a new environment, or getting a new pet. It's also possible that an adult already has an allergy to a certain allergen but now the symptoms are worse than they were before. 

An Allergist Can Help

For adults who are being plagued by allergies, a visit to an allergy doctor can help. Allergy testing can determine which allergens are causing the symptoms. An allergy doctor can also prescribe medicine or even allergy shots to treat the symptoms. Most insurances will cover at least some of the cost of visiting an allergy doctor. Without insurance a skin prick allergy test costs anywhere from $60 to $300, while a blood test for allergies costs between $200 and $1,000. Allergy shots can cost up to $4,000 without insurance. 

Many are surprised to find that allergies can develop at any age, even during adulthood. With adult-onset allergies it's easy to mistake them for a cold or other condition. They can also develop at anytime and may be a response to a weakened immune system, a new environment, or even the introduction of a new animal. The good news is that an allergist can help by determining what is causing the allergic reactions and by prescribing medicine to combat the symptoms. 


18 January 2018

why is an optometrist visit necessary?

When was the last time you went to an optometrist? If you are like most people, you only go when your glasses break or you run out of contact lenses. Very few people actually follow the guidelines of having their eyes checked each year. Not sure why it is necessary to visit your optometrist each year? You can learn all about the different exams and tests that your optometrist runs and why they are done. Knowing what can go wrong with your eyes and what can be done if the ailments are detected early could help to encourage you to get to the optometrist more often.