Don't Be Surprised By These Nuances Of Opiate Addiction Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

When you reach a point in your addiction that you can admit you have a problem and need help to recover, the next logical step is to seek treatment. However, this can be a very big step — bigger than anyone who hasn't struggled with addiction can truly understand. So much of the apprehension about seeking treatment comes from the unknown. The more you know, the less you will be caught off guard as you begin pursuing treatment. So, as a little reassurance, take a look at these nuances about opiate addiction treatment that patients sometimes find surprising.

You will have to commit to a certain treatment period.

Usually, when you enroll in an opioid addiction treatment program, you need to commit to staying at the rehab center for a certain length of time — typically 60 or 90 days. Committing to this from the get-go will help keep you dedicated to recovery, even when it gets tough. You may be asked to sign a document stating your time commitment to rehab as part of the check-in process.

You will be given medications to ease your withdrawal symptoms.

You're probably picturing detox as being horrible and awful. If you've even started to enter detox in the past, you know how bad it can feel. But while detox certainly won't be sunshine and rainbows, it is a lot less awful when you are in a structured rehab program. In these programs, you are given medications to ease your withdrawal symptoms. This is one reason why professional addiction programs are recommended over withdrawing and recovering on your own. You're less likely to relapse when your withdrawal is managed. 

Your family will be asked to attend counseling sessions.

This is one thing that very often catches patients off-guard. They know that they will have to undergo counseling in treatment, but they don't realize that their family members will also need to attend counseling. Depending on the program, they may be asked to attend just a session or two, or they may be included in weekly meetings for the duration of your stay. This component of treatment — family counseling — is so vital to your long-term success after a treatment program. If your family is able to learn more about addiction and how to help you, they can be there to support you better when you return home. 

Hopefully this article has shined some light on the nuances of opiate addiction treatment. Knowing what to expect can make the process a lot more approachable


23 March 2021

why is an optometrist visit necessary?

When was the last time you went to an optometrist? If you are like most people, you only go when your glasses break or you run out of contact lenses. Very few people actually follow the guidelines of having their eyes checked each year. Not sure why it is necessary to visit your optometrist each year? You can learn all about the different exams and tests that your optometrist runs and why they are done. Knowing what can go wrong with your eyes and what can be done if the ailments are detected early could help to encourage you to get to the optometrist more often.