Three Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Achilles Tendonitis During Marathon Training

Health & Medical Blog

If you've suffered from Achilles tendonitis during marathon training before, the prospect of starting another training program may be daunting. After all, you don't want to put the time and effort into training for another marathon, just to end up sidelined by the same injury again. Achilles tendonitis is quite common among marathon runners, especially those who usually run lower mileage, but increase their mileage drastically during marathon training. Protecting yourself from this injury will take some time and attention to detail, but it is possible if you follow these strategies.

19 January 2015

Surprising Medical Conditions That Affect Your Vision: What You Should Know


When you think of taking a trip to the eye doctor, you probably only think about a standard eye and vision exam to determine whether or not you are in need of corrective lenses. And for many people, this is the only true concern that they need to have about their eye health throughout the majority of their lives. However, if you have certain medical conditions or issues, then trips to the ophthalmologist become more of a medical necessity than an optional vision assessment.

15 January 2015

Can A Chiropractor Really Diagnose And Treat Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?


You might think of chiropractic work as working on the back and spine. That's true; chiropractors do that, and they help a lot of people with problems like headaches, shoulder stiffness and lower back pain. The principles of chiropractic care can also help alleviate symptoms from other common, painful ailments, like carpal tunnel syndrome. If you suffer from carpal tunnel, you already know what it feels like: burning, tingling and numbness in the hands, fingers and thumb.

13 January 2015

Toenail Fungus Tip: Try Fungi-Killing Fermented Foods

Health & Medical Blog

Toenail fungus infections are tough to get rid of, as your nail fungus specialist has probably told you. Some advanced stages of the fungus infections can even take months to get rid of. But you can help your nail specialist by simply adding fermented foods to your diet.  The Fungus-Killing Secrets Behind Fermented Foods Chances are that you have heard of probiotics. Probiotics are good and natural bacteria that your body needs to fight off several types of harmful bacteria, including the bacteria wreaking havoc on your toes.

9 January 2015

3 Tips For Buying Your Own Grave Marker


Are you thinking about buying your own grave marker? It's not as crazy as it sounds. Many individuals and couples buy their own memorial grave markers long before they pass away. It relieves their loved ones of the cost and burden, plus it ensures that they get the type of marker that they want. There are plenty of services out there that can provide you with a grave marker. However, it's always best to do some research and due diligence before you make a commitment.

7 January 2015

4 Ways To Deal With Acupuncture And A Fear Of Needles

Health & Medical Blog

Are you afraid of needles but still curious about acupuncture? Acupuncture can be a fantastic treatment for a variety of ailments, but it can be scary for those who don't like the idea of being poked and prodded. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can distract yourself from the entire process. 1. Turn Up the Music Music is an excellent way to distract yourself from anything that is going on.

7 January 2015

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Slowing You Down? Here Are 3 Natural Ways To Relieve The Pain

Health & Medical Blog

If you do any type of repetitive work with your hands and wrists, you run the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. You might have it right now and not even know it. If you've been experiencing an aggravating itch on the palm of your hand, or numbness and tingling in your fingers, chances are that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. You should visit your doctor to be sure. In addition to visiting the doctor, you should add a few foods and herbs to your diet.

7 January 2015